Giacinto Panfilo

Year of foundation: 1990

Origins and development: In 1990 the "Gavinelli Center" was founded, which at the time was dedicated to the education of socially disadvantaged youth.
Since 2012, with the VET reform, the CNOS-FAP/Emilia Romagna association has been offering free two-year courses funded by the European Social Fund and the Emilia Romagna Region. All the girls and boys who have attended (and passed or failed) the first year of secondary school can enroll. The center also welcomes young people who have not attended or finished the first year of secondary school: personalised educational paths lasting three years will be created for them (three thousand hours). At the end of the second year of vocational training, after passing the final exam, the student obtains the Vocational Qualification allowing the immediate access to the labour market.
Alternatively, the student can decide to re-enter the general secondary education following an evaluation activity.  

Sectors and activities today: In this center the courses to become "Woodworking Operator" and "Thermo-hydraulic Operator" are open .


Via Idice 27, Castel De’ Britti - 40068 S. Lazzaro di Savena (BO)
tel. (+39)
email: direzione.casteldebritti@cnos-fap.it
Website: www.salesianicasteldebritti.it