Applicant Organisation: ENAC


  • Federazione CNOS-FAP
  • ENAC Ente Nazionale Canossiano
  • Centro Edile per la Formazione e la Sicurezza (CEFS)
  • EDILMASTER La Scuola Edile di Trieste
  • Ente Nazionale Don Orione – Formazione e Aggiornamento Professionale (ENDO-FAP )
  • Ente Nazionale Giuseppini del Murialdo (ENGIM Nazionale)
  • Federazione CNOS-FAP
  • Fondazione Casa di Carità Arti e Mestieri ONLUS (Casa di carità)
  • IAL Innovazione Apprendimento Lavoro Friuli Venezia Giulia srl Impresa Sociale (IAL Friuli)
  • Scaligera Formazione scarl

Objectives: Promote the implementation of 40 mobility for VET students.



Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems in Europe address two main problems: the phenomenon of Early School Leaving (ESL) and the lack of key competences for people completing their education.

For years the VET system has been playing a key role to address these phenomena. Today, to continue to prevent early school leaving and equip students with the relevant skills needed in the labor market, it is necessary to give more impetus to forms of work-based learning (WBL).

Considering these issues and the launch of the dual system in Italy promoted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, the consortium members have decided to increase learning opportunities during mobility training courses using WBL methodologies.

The aim is to promote mobility periods abroad as part of learning pathways that promote work-based learning. Mobility, integrated with WBL experiences, is important to (re)motivate VET learners preventing early school leaving and equipping students with the skills required by companies.

The DUAL MOB project, therefore, promotes the development of key professional and technical skills required by companies through WBL experiences in foreign contexts. The competence acquisition is carried out within training courses for the students of the third or fourth year (those who achieved a qualification or a professional diploma), enhancing the learning outcomes of these experiences to facilitate a future integration into the labour market of young participants or to continue their studies.

The project is addressed to 300 students (about 1 third are in situations of economic/social/cultural disadvantage) who attend VET pathways in 18 Italian regions where the 150 VET providers associated with the consortium are active.

The project guarantees a wide sectoral and geographical coverage. The young people involved will belong to the following professional sectors:

  • Agri-food;
  • Manufacturing and handicraft;
  • Mechanics, construction (automation, building, electrical, electronic, thermo-hydraulic systems);
  • Graphic;
  • Commercial services;
  • Tourism and catering;
  • Personal Services.

The project promotes two types of transnational mobility:

1. internship abroad for students in initial vocational training in a company for three to four weeks (more mature and prepared students)


2. placement abroad for students in initial vocational training in a VET programme with learning periods in a company or other relevant context for three to four weeks (more fragile students)


Thanks to the improved use of the WBL approach and the strengthening of the mutual trust between the project partners the project will have an impact on the development of the professional and transversal competences of the students and the tutors involved.  Consequently, it will improve the VET training offer.

The comparison with foreign realities regarding the organization and management of work-based learning activities will bring an enrichment in terms of organizational and didactic methods that the sending organizations will be able to exploit during the experimentation of the dual system in Italy.


Duration: 24 months
Start date: 02/10/2017



Erasmus+ KA1 CONFAP Students Mobility
Project category: 
European / International
Starting year: 